Google has referred 8 people here using searches related to the term "Sharpie." They have also referred 6 people here in the last month using the terms "Whose boob do I have to suck to get a drink around here." One reader came from the search terms "Apostrophe logo". Finally, this month I have gotten - as I generally get - at least one person from the line "Life isn't bliss, Life is just this. . . it's living" from Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode.
I am delighted and terrified that people stumble upon me courtesy of my love for office supplies, grammar, and Joss Whedon.
Thanks for visiting, readers. Good to have you here.
Side note: Who's coming from Gothis? I have no clue what that is and I keep getting hits from it, so I am curious. Leave a comment! Tell me who you are!
Now I wonder how many potential readers these phrases might get:
XXX bikini girl
Chocolate Salted Caramel anything
Okay, okay, I'll stop boring the snot out of you. Back to my cleaning. . .
Mmm, chocolate salted caramel anything...