
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I've got them mid-semester blues. . .

the ones where I feel like a terrible teacher and a terrible wife and a terrible parent and all I want is a snow day except not a real snow day just a day with snow but all the kids can go to school including the baby so I can eat bon bons and sit on my butt drinking coffee with Baileys in it.

You get those too, right?

The days where you want a warm blanket and to hide from the world?

That's where I am. It's OK. I'm ok.  I'm going to knead up some sort of tasty bread product, make some soup, and reevaluate my expectations.

Because it's hard to feel like a failure when you can make bread.


  1. I totally had one of those yesterday. Mmm bread and soup.

  2. I have one of those days at least once a week.

  3. Have those days all the time. The only solution is booze and friends.


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