
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

6 Seasons and a MOVIE!

Yesterday was my birthday.  In honor of my turning 35, NBC decided to give me the worst present ever and retool their fall schedule.  In doing so, somebody clearly got drunk and forgot to put the Community magnet back on the Thursday night board.  In fact, they dropped it behind the desk or something and omitted it altogether. 

Did somebody call NBC a network-shaped toilet?
Now look, I realize the ratings are low - but the quality is high.  Yes, yes, yes, that didn't save Arrested Development  - but look at the post-AD-buzz that *still* survives. 

Honestly, NBC, if you cancel Community, you'll probably be punished via Troy and Abed suicide pact. . . 


  1. I don't know, M., I've never found Community as funny as you do. The paint ball episode was AWESOME, but otherwise I find it sometimes funny and sometimes so weird that I don't even smirk. I don't think it is as witty as AD. Just my 2 cents.

  2. Heh.

    I keep watching Modern Family because everyone recommends it, but I feel about MF how you feel about Community.

    It's likely that Community speaks to me because I teach at a Community college. And FYI: There are 3 paintball episodes. :)

  3. Oh my. That's some serious paintball action. :)

  4. Sawyer from Lost is in the Season 2 paintball episodes. "A Fistfull of Paintballs" and "A Few Paintballs More."


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