
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So here's

a list of things I never thought I'd hear myself say, but have said now, courtesy of my children:

  • The only things we put in a toilet are our poop and our pee and our toilet paper. We do not put anything else in the toilet. Ever. (Said while answering the telephone)
  • Honey, we do not rub our penises on furniture.
  • What's with the new Fred with black hair? I knew Fred. Fred was a friend of mine. That man is no Fred.
  • We do not eat (insert inedible object here. A few examples: marbles, sand, cat poop, gum wrappers, wooden benches, ponytails attached to our sister).
  • Please don't drink out of the toilet. Also, the toilet is not a water sculpture.
  • No I will not lick your face.
  • I do *not* want to find any more purple beads in your poop.

And here are some things my children have said that just slay me:

  • I farted on the cat.
  • Time? Time? There is no TIME. There is only TRUTH, LOVE, and NINCOMPOOPS.
  • (To the librarian today) I'm a big boy. I slept all night and I didn't pee in my pants and I wore big boy pants and this morning I pulled them down and I peed a lot and then I wagged my penis in a dance.

You see, before I was a parent, a funny night was a few martinis, South Park the movie, and (close your eyes, kiddies who know me as a respectable member of society) a few tokes ('s first definition is something about a tip to a dealer in a gambling situation. Let's just go with that, okay?). These days, nearly every moment of every day is a comedic extravaganza of laughter. For example: 2 children in the back of a mid-sized sedan? HILARIOUS. A boy who insists he's a dog? Really funny until he yaps, bites, and pees in the middle of the floor.

My kids are purveyors of fine entertainment and have been since birth. Heck, maybe even before. Lilly once kicked the cat's ass from in utero. I've never seen a more shocked and disturbed animal. I think he jumped 4 feet in the air - it was a moment of catlike reflexes we've never seen from him again. The crazy guy won't even snuggle up with me anymore.

I've been somber lately and I'm tired of it. We've had a couple of years of big things that hurt. But I'm tired of big things that hurt and I'm tired of hoping that next year will be better. So now, I'm going to do none of that. I'm just going to pop a big bowl of popcorn, set a cake down on the floor, and let the kiddos loose to see what happens.


  1. I love your kids almost as much as I love mine. I think yours say slightly more interesting things than mine sometimes, though.

    And big hurting things unfortunately can happen anytime. So hats off to you for focusing on the daily hilarity in your life.

  2. Although I do think I have also told Sawyer that I will not lick his face. Or any other part of him.


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